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Cultural Competency 

School exercise and nutrition program

Healthy Heroes

In this paper, my group members and I created our own program to fight obesity among low-income Hispanic adolescents that reside in Walnut Park,CA. In the paper we provided  problem justification, needs assessment, our program goals and objectives, an implementation plan, a scope of work, and evaluation plan, and a budget justification. 

My growth with navigating cultural competence has been tremendous thanks to the experiences I've had, the knowledge I've gained, and the skills I've been able to learn. For example, in this paper, my group and I were able to create a school-based program that helps prevent Hispanic adolescents from becoming obese. We had to account for the area these kids live in, and the unhealthy food they are exposed to at home and around the city because it is a low-income area and Hispanics tend to eat food with high fats, and sugars. 

I understand that the practices, beliefs, and values members of another culture hold are important to keep in mind when trying to help them. I am very open to helping people with different practices as long as we get to educate each other in some way. I love to learn about other cultures' practices and values because you never know when you might need the information again. Knowing more about other cultures will help me especially when I work with BIPOC communities. I hope to continue my cultural education so that I do no offend these individuals as I am trying to help them. 

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