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Professional Experiences

Interning at the Long Beach Gray Panthers 

The Long Beach Gray Panthers (LBGP) work to help advocate for and educate on older adult life issues. Issues this organization focuses on include: the Medicare-for-All campaign, expansion of social security, affordable housing, nursing reform, technology access for older adults, and others. As a LBGP intern, I was able to attend educational zoom meetings held by many different organizations, attend city council meetings to partake in and listen to advocacy in action, and help advocate for a topic of my choosing with a group for a personal project. 

For my group's personal project, we created a video that focuses on educating older adults about grocery delivery services that are available to them, such as Instacart. At the end of the video, we also linked two other helpful resources provided by Instacart on how to navigate their site via a mobile phone and on a laptop, computer, etc.

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